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Trent Horn Not Ready for Prime Time, 1 of 20!

Tough answers to ignorant critiques by Trent Horn and the Catholic Answers crew miserably failing to "debunk" the Traditional Catholic Doctrine of Creation...

Trent Horn and Catholic Answers are going to start having to give answers to the powerful arguments and critiques against their views on the Traditional Catholic Doctrine of Creation and “fundamentalists”, a.k.a. Traditionalists who still believe the Bible is to be read in the same way today as the Fathers, Doctors, Councils, Apostles, and Christ Himself taught us to read it.

Fundamentalists”, as Trent Horn, Karl Keating, and the gang at Catholic Answers call those of us who adhere to the teachings of the Traditional Catholic Doctrine of Creation, aren't the ones with the burden of proof, nor are we lacking in empirical and observational proofs from the sciences for our views on the Literal interpretation of Creation in the book of Genesis, I.E. Young Earth Creationism and Geostatic Geocentrism…

In this video full of cold, hard, logic, Dr. Robert Sungenis dismantles with class the failed and ignorant attempts by Trent Horn and those at Catholic Answers to try to use straw-man arguments, or arguments from ignorance, against Geocentrism and Young Earth Creationism. In this first of 20 critiques of Trent Horn’s, Catholic Answers’, blunders in Cosmology and Cosmogeny, Dr. Sungenis will use the very data and accepted theories from all the famous, most respected, scientists throughout history and in the modern age to show how they all admit that Geocentrism is viable and plausible within their very own data and scientific theories, as well as the modern questions and concerns with all of the, so called (and falsely), “facts” of the Big Bang, Long Ages, insignificant Earth and humanity Cosmology and Cosmogeny that has been Satan's tool to twist Scripture, and our worldview, in order to confuse and destroy our proper understanding of, and our True awareness and miraculous interactions with, Creation and our Creator.

Listen in as Dr. Sungenis gives a classy and Truth filled presentation revealing the critical misunderstandings and misrepresentations of the Traditional Catholic Doctrine of Creation by the ever more Liberal and Modernist views of the Catholic Answers establishment

Keep checking at CAI Substack for future episodes!


Catholic Apologetics International
Catholic Apologetics International Podcast
Catholic Apologetics International is an organization founded by Dr. Robert Sungenis, Catholic Apologist,Theologian, and Scientist. He has been doing Catholic Apologetics for over 20 years and has starred in LEGENDARY debates over the years...